They Filmed A Baby Elephant Having The Tantrum Of The Century While Being Ignored By His Parents

With young children, as with hatchlings, it is a matter of time before they bring out their true and fun personalities. Something that ends up surprising, and many times, disconcerting, their parents.

It is very difficult for babies to understand no for an answer.

And that is why in the midst of their little world, so often incomprehensible to them, when they don’t get what they want, they choose to throw tantrums to get the attention of their parents.

Parents have to arm themselves with admirable patience, and even incredible art, to know how to deal with these tantrums. After much struggle, and although it is not always an easy task, they manage to get their little ones to understand why when mother says NO, it is NO. Something that, let’s face it, turns out to be absolutely exhausting.

A video released on social media a few years ago has come to light again to show us the impressive similarities that exist between human and animal babies, leaving many completely moved.

It’s about a baby elephant who seems to be upset about something and is having a terrible tantrum.

It is not known for sure what happens to him, but in addition to everything he does to express how angry he is, the scenes have been made viral by the attitude of his parents who completely ignore him.

When the little boy thought that his mother would at least pay him some attention, he is indignant as he passes by in front of him.

It is then when he goes to his desperate resource of throwing himself to the ground; the big-eared is overcome by the weight of his ears and ends up upside down, while his mother ignores his whim.

The viral video shows the little baby kicking his feet to get attention, but nothing seems to work. Just like human babies, it’s really moving.

Watch the tantrum scenes of this funny baby who does everything to get what he wants. No wonder they have already been viewed 24 million times around the world


Author: admin