K9 Dog Refuses To Work Until He Receives Belly Rubs

As the weather warms up, many people are enjoying the day outside. People are hiking, swimming, and playing in the sunshine and using up their vacation days so that they can spend time with their families.

One dog was supposed to be working…but he wasn’t exactly in the mood.

Meet Jango Fett, a K9 unit with the Anne Arundel County Sheriff’s Office.

Jango is normally super enthusiastic when its time to work. The Good Boy is very dedicated to sniffing out narcotics and helping the police investigate drug crime in Maryland. This day was somehow different…Jango just didn’t want to get in his partner’s car. I guess he just didn’t feel like going to work. We’ve all been there, Jango.

Jango is a Belgian Malinois. He has a lot of energy and can sniff out anything if he has the motivation to.

He was trained by his human partner, Ryan Costin. Jango sniffs out crime and protects Costin on a daily basis. He loves working and usually beats Costin to the car when it’s time to work. But not one beautiful, warm, sunny day. He wants to have fun! Not go out and work.

When Costin asked Jango to hop into the vehicle, Jango just rolled around on the soft grass and asked for play time.

After a while, it was clear that Jango was not in the mood for cooperation.

“Please!” Jango seemingly pleaded with his eyes. “Please let us play! I just want to play! Where’s the ball? Do you have the ball!?!?”

Costin’s wife videotaped the entire series of events from the living room window. She seemed to be getting a pretty good laugh out of things. She even narrates it, which makes things even funnier.

Finally, Costin comes up with a genius plan.

If Jango gets in the car, he will receive belly rubs. The plan was fool-proof. What dog doesn’t like belly rubs?

Costin leans down to give his dog some much-needed pets and Jango immediately jumps into the car as if there was never a problem in the first place.

“So,” Cassie narrates from the window, “all I need to get ready for work is a belly rub. Got it, check.”

Costin may have been late to his morning meeting, but it was Jango’s fault! His wife even has video-evidence. As soon as the Anne Arundel County Sheriff’s Office discovered the video they decided they wanted to share it with the world. They posted the video on Facebook with the following caption:

“A beautiful Spring Day makes the best Deputies want to play hooky!! Yes, we all love working at the Sheriff’s Office, but just like our human Deputies, when spring fever hits even our awesome K9s just want to go to the park and lie in the cool grass and maybe play a little catch…or um fetch!!”

Officer Costin should consider waking up earlier if Jango is going to continue giving him a hard time.

Now that Costin knows the secret belly-rub trick it should make the process a whole lot easier. Hopefully, Jango has plenty of time off-duty to enjoy the beautiful weather.

Jango may be giving his handler a hard time but he knows that he is a K9 officer and his job is always a priority. He will continue to serve and protect his community. There will be plenty of time to play after the workday is over.

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Author: admin