30 People Who Learned About Karma the Hard Way

Regardless of how hard you try and avoid jerks you are always likely to encounter one.

When karma decides to step in and do exactly what you wish you could have done and didn’t.

Well then seeing images like these will make you feel  that bit better…

Looks like this didn’t end well for this guy now!

Some clean fun.

What are those lines for again?

Keeping the pizza warm.

When you leave your dog in the car.

Someone’s going to have a crap time.

I would do the same..

When your plan bounces back on you.

What happened here.

Mayor Salter…..?


Know who’s house your breaking in to..

Not sure how happy this guy will be.

When your plan falls apart.

Assing around.

Just in case you forget…..post it!

Where’s the trash can?

Notice a connection here guys?

An electric revolution.

At least she can get guac all the time now.

This is as evil as I can imagine.

Don’t be fooled by the smile 😉

I meant the drink.

Wipe that smile right off his face.


Always check to see if it’s a rubber car.

Bug off.

Park in front of dumpsters and you will pay for it.

SHARE this post if these images made you laugh.

Author: admin